The Cycle of Birth, Life, Death & Re-Birth

In our Consultations...
We meet with you and your partner at your earliest convenience to hear from you all about
your plans for the birth.
This is the moment for you to share all your wishes, from what you want to what you don't want, this way we cocreate a complete birth plan so you are more likely to achieve your heart's desires.
We can talk through and provide evidence based findings for your questions on topics like lotus
birth, circumcision, vitamin K and 'childhood immunisations'.
Provide antenatal checks to assess whether the pregnancy is 'low or high risk' and discuss all your birth options with you.
Guiding you to reach and maintain a healthy and low risk pregnancy and labour.
Our birth preparation classes teach tools for complete empowered conscious full body awareness, transcending pain and for
relaxation such as 'The breath of birth,' mixing other techniques such as yoga, rebozo and massage.
The Breath of Birth & Beyond
Its a misconception that hypnobirthing numbs, or takes you out of your birthing experience, on the contrary it does exactly the opposite.
Your body knows exactly how to birth and the breath of birth is a tool which connects you to that inner wisdom so you are fully conscious, in tune with your baby and in control of your breath, moment to moment, throughout your birthing process.
The breath of birth can be used to gently move through each phase of labour, as the rushes intensify and energy surges each breath at a time. Also to heal past birth trauma you may have experienced, including your very own birth.
We hold space during labour. This means we are fully present giving our full attention and care, breathing &
guiding you from start to finish.
Partner Support
You may choose a guide to give you that partner support. Yet, this person can also be your partner, friend, mother and so on. We guide the role of your chosen birth partner, sharing tools that help to also empower men through the birthing process.
We guide you through the transition from relating as a couple into conscious parenting.
Pregnancy Care
To maintain a healthy pregnancy your observations (blood pressure, pulse, temperature, oxygen saturation and respirations) can be recorded.
In each of our birth kits we carry the equipment necessary to do so.
We use a fetal doppler to hear baby's heart rate and a tape measure to track growth. This is the
minimum to help us reassure you that your pregnancy is healthy & 'low risk' and your baby is happy.
We carry homeopathic remedies, tinctures and herbs which we can give you to use with your
consent to stay in line with natural pregnancy and birth.
We provide complete postpartum and placenta care as per your needs which we can discuss in greater depths with you during our initial consultation.

Empowered Hospital Birth

Sovereign Home Birth
All the support you need to be empowered for your natural
hospital birth
Rights & options
Birth plan
What to pack
Birth your baby safely in the comfort of your own home, naturally, unassisted or with support
Create your birth sanctuary
The breath of birth
Registration rights